Monday, 14 September 2009

Profile for our band......

Name:- F.u.d.g.e

No. of members in the group:- 4 (3 men and 1 woman)

Where they are from:- Devon, Plymoth

How the band got together:- They met in school and were all friends and decided to put a band together, as they all knew they had musical talent and thought it would be a great way to fill up spare time.

How they come up with their name:- They played on the stereotype that all people from devon are thick, that you can spell fudge with their A level results.

Ideologies:- They love doing charity work and just taking everyday as it comes. They do alot of charity events raising money for a charity's that have sentimental value to them.

How they broke into the buisness:- They started putting the material on social networks such as Myspace and Facebook and stared doing small gigs in the area they lived in and Domino Records got hold of this and signed them thinking they would be as popular as the Arctic Monkeys.

The record lable they are signed to:- Domino Records (Arctic Monkeys record label)

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